The perfect alternative for a dessert - our Coconut Latte Macchiato
Exciting alternative: The homemade Coconut Latte Macchiato.
The homemade coconut latte macchiato is the optimal and at the same time delicious alternative dessert. With this variant you will experience an extraordinary taste and bring a variety into your everyday life!
Fun-Fact: The coconut can bring in a variety of benefits to ourselves and kitchen. As a base for drinks, yoghurts, desserts and sweets, please look for the white fruit pulp. It consists mostly of water and fat, with fiber, protein and a nutrient mix of potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C.
Total time: 15 min
Prep time: 15 min
Cook time: 0 min
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 1 Glass
- 100g coconut sugar
- 150ml coconut milk
- 60ml of water
- 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract
- 1 espresso
- 1-2 tbs Coconut syrup
- 100g of foamed milk
- Coconut sugar and roasted coconut can be used for topping
➊ To make the coconut syrup, combine water, coconut milk and coconut sugar together and then lightly place it in a pan over medium heat. Stir everything through until the sugar caramelizes and the mixture strikes light bubbles. Allow the syrup to cool completely and place in the refrigerator.
➋ Continue by preparing one or two espresso shots, as required, and refill with 1-2 tsp of the Coconut Syrup. This depends entirely on how sweet you like it.
➌ Finally, they give the foamed milk and decorate everything with the coconut sugar and roasted coconut.
Ready. Enjoy!